Sunday, June 13, 2010

I really stink at blogging!

I know it's been "a while" since I've blogged (understatement of the century) but what can I say, I'm just not very good at this! I'm trying to follow my sweet sister-in-law's example and be better! There is no way I can update the last four months so I'll just start from the last week.

Brandon and the Bonneville High School Ballroom Team went to California on tour last week and Kent went as a chaperone. As an added bonus, Ashley and I caught up with them a few days into their trip and got to go to Disneyland with them. They were short a girl dancer so Ashley took her dance shoes with and learned a couple of routines in the hotel parking lot Sunday night and danced them in Disneyland on Monday and at California Adventure on Tuesday. It was fun to see Ashley and Brandon dance together again. We had a ball at Disneyland (the kids just about ran be to death) and the weather was beautiful. We came home Thursday to overcast and cold!


  1. They looks so cute. I am so glad you guys got to do that together. What a blast. Sure do love you LOTTS!

  2. How fun! You seem to have a great family!
